Product Summary
The SKIIP10NEB063T10 is an IGBT module.
SKIIP10NEB063T10 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Operating DC link voltage: VCES: 1200V; VCC: 900V; VGES: ±20V; IC: 1200(750)A; (2)Inverse diode, IF = -IC: 8800(670)A; (3)IFSM: 6900A; (4)I2T: 238kA2s; (5)Tj, Tstg: -40 to +150℃; (6)Visol: 3000V.
SKIIP10NEB063T10 features: (1)SKiiP technology inside; (2)CAL diode technology; (3)Integrated current sensor; (4)Integrated temperature semsor; (5)Integrated heat sink; (6)IEC 60721-3-3 class 3K3/IE32; (7)IEC 60068-1 (climate) 40/125/56; (8)UL recongnized file no.E63532; (9)SPT (Soft Punch Trough) IGBTs.