Product Summary
The E6600 is a monolithic device which has 64 integrated DACs that are designed specifically for all per channel wide-voltage and current levels needed for pin electronics inside automatic test equipment. The E6600 can also be used for other applications requiring multiple integrated voltage or current DAC outputs. The applications of the E6420BBG include Test Equipment, Applications requiring multiple programmable voltage and currents.
E6600 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Positive Analog Supply: -35 to +20 V; (2)Positive Analog Supply: -35 to +5.5 V; (3)Negative Analog Supply: -5.5 to +35 V; (4)Digital Power Supply: –35 to +5.5 V; (5)Total Power Supply: -35 to +25 V; (6)Digital Input Voltages: DGND – 35 to DVDD + 35 V; (7)Analog Input Voltages: AGND – 35 to AVDD + 35 V; (8)Minimum Time Required Between Successive Parallel Loads of all 64 DACs @ CLOAD= 100 nF, Full Scale Steps: 2 ms; (9)Storage Temperature: -65 to +150 ℃; (10)Junction Temperature: +125 ℃; (11)Soldering Temperature (5 seconds, 25" from the pin): +260 ℃.
E6600 features: (1)Wide Voltage Output Range (17V Range); Useful for Supervoltage; (2)44 Voltage DACs / Package; (3)20 Current DACs / Package; (4)Adjustable Full Scale Range; (5)Adjustable Output Voltage Offset; (6)Small 13x13mm BGA Package; (7)All DACs are Guaranteed Monotonic.